Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Book review time!

From time to time, we all need a voice that quietens the negative chaos running in our minds and tell us that we will be fine. And when we don't find that voice then we need someone outside to reassure us. A lot of times these are self help books (at least for me) that makes the difference. The books I recently listened to are “The Untethered Soul” and "You are a Badass" (I know!)

What I learned from "The Untethered soul" was:

The secret of the middle way: This is a beautiful concept of staying away from extremes and staying centered. An example given was of a blind person tapping the right side and the left side of their path to judge the extremes of their path so that they can stay away from the extremes and choose the middle way. Although it looks to me like staying safe or being in the fence but I can also relate that staying safe is a wise choice and needs less energy. So interestingly this is a Chinese concept taught by Tao. And all the Chinese people I have met so far live by this concept! They don't question things, don't take big risks, always make informed decisions (go out at length to get all the data before they can make any decisions). Although I like the concept of staying safe I wouldn't  exercise this concept at all times. I will make a point when I have to and take a risk when I need to (my reassurance from being a badass! more below)

Death: Here the author says that death gives meaning to life and makes life precious. And we don’t know when we will die. So this reminds us to enjoy life while we can and start living like our death is staring us in the face or something to that effect.

What I learned from "You are a badass":
Forgiving :) So forgiving is important for our happiness. Of course it is! But our ego stops us from forgiving because being right is more important that being happy. But holding resentments is like drinking poison and expecting our enemies to die. So one interesting way to forgive the other person is the to picture them as a bunny with large innocent eyes and a sippy cup working through their insecurities. I pictured my ex boss as a bunny hopping around with a sad face and a sippy cup. Interestingly I am a little less angry every time I do this :)

What other people think about you is a reflection of themselves and nothing to do with you. So when something really irritates me to the core about someone or if I admire a trait in someone, it is some thing I hate or love about myself.
So taking this to the next level, I like people who treat others with respect and I hate it when someone walks all over someone without any care whatsoever. And I hate ugly PDAs :)). And I am going to explore these things in the near future.

In conclusion, both the books talked about similar concepts like God and forgiving and happiness and death , I liked Jen Cincero's Badass more than Michael Singer's Untethered soul. She definitely has a good sense of humor and a better (badass) approach to things.

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