Monday, 30 March 2020

Tamil versus Hindi

Now this subject is extremely close to my heart and  i resisted until  now was because i wanted to resist posting anything political with my blog. But i realized that i am a political being with some strong opinions. So the blog theme had to change.
Now even though i am a Tamil, my hindi is more fluent than my tamil because i grew up in Mumbai. But Tamil is close to my heart even though my tamil is quite rusty. It makes me a part of an ancient civilization that i am proud of.
Whereas Hindi is just about 200 years old, when urdu started being written in devanagari script. Nevertheless, It has helped me connect to numerous individuals while i was in Mumbai.

The reason Tamil people like me have issues with this is because of the cultural domination aspect and its wrong. We have seen it happen in the UK where Scottish and Irish have been reduced to mere accents inspite of these being languages at one time. Also in Pakistan where Urdu has decided to eradicate the regional languages like Sindhi and Punjabi. Its unfortunate that we feel the need to adopt one language to prove that we are one nation. And even if that is the case, the language that truly brought Indians together is English. And adopting English has made much more competitive than China, for example.
So the more Hindi is imposed the more fightback it will receive. The usual suspect were always Tamils but this time we say Kannadigas, Odiyas and Bengalis join the brigade and it will only increase in future.

If north indians want south indians to learn hindi, then they should also in turn learn a south indian language of their choice. Fair enough?

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